Wednesday, October 9, 2013

A Year with Frog and Toad - Down the Hill

Well, here we are at the top of the hill. Look at that view!

Toad (spoken):
The snow is lovely, but it’s an awfully long way down.

Frog (spoken):
It will be easy on my sled.

Toad (spoken):
Oh, I don’t know, Frog.

Frog (spoken):
Don’t be nervous, Toad! I’ll be behind you the whole time!

Toad (spoken):
Very well, Frog.

Frog (spoken):
You’ll see. It’s pleasant. Sledding down the hill. Here we go!

Down the hill we are sliding
Down the hill gently gliding
Down the hill!
What a thrill, so exciting
It’s a thrill to be riding down the hill!
Oh, to see the scenery
Such a lovely sight!
Don’t you love the greenery
Frosted all in white?

This is rather pleasant, Frog!

I told you!

You were right!

It’s pleasant sledding down the hill!

Now we go where it’s steeper
And the snow somewhat deeper
Down the hill!

Toad (spoken):
Is it safe, Frog?

Frog (spoken):
Absolutely, Toad.
There’s a bump up a head there
Which we’ll jump with our sled there
Down the hill!

My, that was inspiring
Riding through the air
Though, I must admit to you
It gave me quite a scare!
Why are you so quiet, Frog?
Oh, you’re no longer there!
It’s pleasant sledding down the—

Mole 1 (spoken):
Hello Frog. What are you doing here?

Frog (spoken):
Hello, moles. I was thrown from the sled, and now Toad is going down the hill alone!

Mole 1 (spoken):
Oh, he’ll be fine, as long as he doesn’t take the path on the left.
(yelling to Mole 2)Which path did he take??

Mole 2 (spoken):
The path on the left.

Down the hill, going faster
Heading straight for disaster
Down the hill!

Mole 1:
Watch the trees!

Mole 2:
Watch the boulders!

Tuck your knees to your shoulders
Down the hill!

I have never been brave,
I have never known how
And chances are slim I’m gonna start now
I’m a terrified toad on a runaway sled
And soon I am going to be dead
I’l be smashed on the side of a rock
So I doubt I’ll be needing that clock!

Moles and Frog:
Down the hill, going faster,
Down the hill, going faster
Down the hill, going faster
Down the hill, going faster
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