Wednesday, October 9, 2013

A Year with Frog and Toad - Seeds

Frog said these seeds would grow soon
But soon was over a long time ago
Yes, I’m quite sure that soon is over
And now it is later. Much later.
Oh, this is all my fault.
I must have frightened them very badly.
Oh seeds! I’m sorry! I did not mean to raise my voice at you!
Don’t be afraid, go on and grow
Are you afraid, or are you slow?
I am your gardener, you are my seeds
I will attend to all of your needs
Come on, come on, up out of the dirt
Its safe out here, you won’t get hurt
It’s safe out here, you have my word.
You don’t believe me? Let’s ask a bird!
Hey bird!

Lady Bird (spoken):
What is it, Toad?

Toad (spoken):
I have some seeds planted in the ground!

Lady Bird (spoken):
Seeds? Terrific! I love seeds!

Toad (spoken):
You see, seeds? You are loved!

Lady Bird (spoken):
Where are they? I wanna eat ‘em!

Toad (spoken):
Bird, go away! They will hear you!

Lady Bird (spoken):
Seeds can’t hear.

Toad (spoken):

Lady Bird (spoken):
Come on, Toad. Lemme eat just one!
No one will harm you
No one will dare
If anyone tries, I’ll be there
I will be watching
Every minute
Every hour
‘till you grow up to be a flower
Don’t be afraid, go on and grow
Are you afraid, or are you slow?
I am your gardener, you are my seeds
I will attend to all of your needs
Seeds, I will recite for you a poem!
Roses are red, violets are blue
They are flowers, just like you!
Seeds, I will do an interpretive dance for you!
(he performs an over dramatic and very comical “dance”)
Seeds, I will play the tuba for you!
(he plays the tuba)
Seeds…..I’ve gotta rest.
But I will be right here if you need me.
(he sits and falls asleep until morning)

Frog (spoken):
Toad. Wake up.

Toad (spoken):
Oh, Frog! I was up half the night! I think I must have frightened my seeds VERY badly

Frog (spoken):
Well, you couldn’t have frightened them too badly. They’re growing!

Toad (spoken):
They are?!

Frog (spoken):

Toad (spoken):
I don’t see!!

Frog (spoken):
Look more closely!

Toad (spoken):
Oh my! You’re right Frog! They are growing! They’re awfully small.

Frog (spoken):
They will grow bigger.

Toad (spoken):

Frog (spoken):
Soon, Toad. Soon.
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